Treating Acne in Men: Tips and Tricks for Clearer Skin

Treating Acne in Men: Tips and Tricks for Clearer Skin

While acne can be frustrating and embarrassing, there are several effective ways to treat it. In this article, we’ll discuss the best ways to treat acne in men. 

Hannah Brill
Eye cream for dark circles

What are the best dark circles treatments out there for men?

While dark circles aren’t a medical condition, you may not like the look of them and want to do something about them. In this article, we’ll be exploring exactly what dark circles are, and what you can do about them.  

Hannah Brill
Is ethical makeup truly ethical?

Is ethical makeup truly ethical?

If using eco-friendly cosmetics and living a sustainable lifestyle is important to you, stop looking at clean beauty and start learning about ethical beauty. 

Hannah Brill
Should you be using vegan makeup?

Should you be using vegan makeup?

What makes a product vegan or not? Even the most effective ingredients which we once only derived from animals now have vegan alternatives which do the job the same, or better. So why not choose the vegan option?

Hannah Brill
Your introductory guide to the world of men’s skincare

Your introductory guide to the world of men’s skincare

Whether you’re a skincare newbie or you’ve been using the same face cream for years, here’s the message we need you to know: taking care of your skin matters. 

But navigating your way into all the products available can be overwhelming. Hopefully this article can act as a guide for you and make shopping for men’s skincare a little less intimidating and confusing.

Hannah Brill
guide to men’s cosmetics and skincare

The absolute unit of a guide to men’s cosmetics and skincare

There are so many options out there with all kinds of fancy claims and ingredients, so how do you go about deciding what to use? Should you use makeup too, or treat the root cause of the problem? Should you shop organic and natural, or does any of that stuff actually matter? 

Hannah Brill
Patchy beard style

The ultimate patchy beard style guide for men 2022

Beards are a great tool to extend our style. Just like a haircut, a beard can completely change how you look. A beard can be a personal aesthetic choice and can also impact one's feeling of masculinity. That's why we have compiled a patchy beard style guide for men who struggle to grow a full one.
Hannah Brill
How to get rid of acne when nothing works

How To Get Rid Of Acne When Nothing Works With Real Results

In this article you'll learn some practical tips to help manage acne. But just a heads up, acne takes time to heal and there are no overnight quick fixes. Don’t believe anything that tells you otherwise. 
Hannah Brill
4 reasons to remove your makeup at the end of the day

4 reasons to remove your makeup at the end of the day

We know, it feels like a faff to add something new into your routine, but dermatologists the world over will be cringing at you wearing your makeup to bed - and for good reason. Sleeping in makeup is a big no-no, and here’s why.

Hannah Brill
Simple men's grooming guide

Simple men's grooming guide

Looking after our appearance isn’t always top of the priority list. Especially when work, socialising, kids and life get in the way. But every so often it’s good to take stock and see where improvements can be made. A few simple changes can make a lot of difference to how you come across, and how you feel about yourself
Hannah Brill
man applying makeup

How To Cover & Manage Acne For Men

Read our best tips on what products to use and how to manage acne for men.
Jalpesh Patel
How to look good on Zoom

How to look good on Zoom

Whether we love it or hate, we’ve all been forced to use way more video calling platforms like Zoom and Microsoft Teams almost daily. If you ever catch yourself thinking, “do I really look like that?” there are a few simple things you can do to help improve your appearance over Zoom.  

Jacob Macfarlane